Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Word of the Day Is...


[moj-uh-leyt] Show IPA
verb, -lat⋅ed, -lat⋅ing.
–verb (used with object) regulate by or adjust to a certain measure or proportion; soften; tone down. alter or adapt (the voice) according to the circumstances, one's listener, etc.
3.Music. attune to a certain pitch or key. vary the volume of (tone).

Telecommunications. to cause the amplitude, frequency, phase, or intensity of (a carrier wave) to vary in accordance with a sound wave or other signal, the frequency of the signal wave usually being very much lower than that of the carrier.

In order to
Say thank you to you
I must do it intentionally
But tonight with every breath
I can feel my death
Sure as I can feel my knees

You were my modulation
So that's what you will always be
We took each other higher
We set each other free

Course, neither of us were wearing helmets
And our blood was just everywhere
And when the morphine kicked in later
The censors threw their hands up in despair
And that's when the truth came marching in
And promptly pulled the plug
But you were better than any drug
You were better than any drug

In order to
Say thank you to you
I must do it intentionally
But tonight with every breath
I can feel my death
Sure as I can feel my knees

You were my modulation
And that's what you will always be
We took each other higher
Then we set each other free
We set each other free
-- A.D.