I read the paper yesterday morning. The headline had to do with the budget cuts/new cigarette tax hike that Gov. Kaine has proposed in order to make up the 2.9 Billion dollar budget shortfall in Virginia. Yes, I am currently a smoker. No, I am NOT upset about the tax hike. Here's what I am upset about: the $418 million in cuts to Medicaid for indigent and disabled Virginians. I have a neighbor whose mother has been disabled and unable to work for 12 years. Wanna know how much "help" she gets? $650 a month and $58 in food stamps. That's it. My neighbor has had to pay her own rent and her mother's rent to keep her mom from being homeless. Now, they will be cutting access and programs for healthcare. Seriously?
Now here's what has me IRATE today: Bush has announced the auto rescue.
So, let's recap here: so far, without including today's bailout, we have handed out 8.5 TRILLION F'ING DOLLARS to the banks. Now, add, 13.4 Billion to three auto makers who refused to produce a better product and can't understand why they aren't selling their product. The American auto industry has essentially been thumbing its nose at the American people for nearly 30 years and now WE are bailing their asses out??
I just want to know this: Where is my neighbor's bailout? Where is the homeless man's bailout? Where's my bailout??? Why should we be expected to foot this burden (not just bill - it will be a burden as our dollar bottoms out and inflation goes through the roof. The greater depression is coming....) while these greedy slimes live the the good life ( google AIG ) ? Where is our OUTRAGE???
Phew. Sorry. Had to get that off of my chest....
Friday, December 19, 2008
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THANK YOU!! We need to follow Greece's lead and tear this motherfu*ker up!!!!!!!
I hear ya! And am right there with ya!!
Insane, isn't it? At one time I thought I could change it. "We could start a revolution here."
I hate to say this, but I really think the *only* way that we will get through IS to take to the streets. I"m open for all suggestions. I plan on taking Melina's advice ( http://www.melinathinks.com/2008/12/auto-bail-out-unconditional-love.html ) and you all should too; however, I am pretty sure it won't work. We need to come up with plan B.
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