Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To all my vegetarian/vegan friends

Please take a moment and tell me what your favorite cook books and/or recipes are. I am taking the plunge into removing animal products from our food, but I don't know what to make. Help me por favor :)


Anonymous said...

One of my favorite sites.

Shez said...


I also find the majority of my recipes on Dr Fuhrman's site. You have to pay money to belong to it though, but it's worth it as you get all his newsletters, his teleconferences and his message boards where you can ask him questions.

next time you come over to visit, do you want to have a look at my cookbooks? You are welcome to borrow some.

Momma said...

Well, thanks guys :) I will check out both websites. Thanks for your offer Shez - I will take you up on it :)