I have a male acquaintance who I've been getting to know since October. We connect really well on a mental level. I find him attractive. So what's the issue? We don't share the same core values. He is a fervent capitalist. I'm not. He sees women as objects to fulfill his sexual desires. I see people for who they are - people. We talked about this last week. I have shared with him in the last few months my philosophy on
clean love and
honest seduction. He read the links then completely dismissed me. I brought it up again during our discussion. He dismissed me again. I told him that, although I love our conversations and find him attractive, I am not interested in taking our relationship any further. I can't connect on a physical level with someone who I don't feel respects my beliefs nor respect me for who I am. I didn't really get a response from him before he had to leave.
Now, this morning I received the following picture from him via text message:

NOTE: I removed the picture. This gives you an idea though...
This picture text came to me with no worded message. This is the first time he's contacted me since our conversation. I felt so disrespected when I opened this. This text message just validates my reasons for not getting involved with him. I know I'll laugh in a day or so, but for now I'm off to clean away my exasperation.
Sorry, I know this offended you...but I have to say that I'm laughing out loud at your revenge. I only wish his mom read your blog! Haha!
Oh trust me - I am laughing at this point. I was more exasperated than offended, really. I just don't understand people who blatantly dismiss what you have to say to them . You know, how does one decide to send the woman who just told him she's not interested a picture of his dick? Was that supposed to sway me?! Sheesh.
I should also add that, when I received his text, I immediately expressed to him that I found the message utterly inappropriate. His response? He laughed, then said "I wanted you to see what I am working with". If he had shown me ANY remorse whatsoever, I wouldn't have felt like writing about it here.
There are lots of people you dont want to dance with. This guy is certainly one of them. Some of these people are clever, some have large penises, some are attractive in other ways.
And it is no surprise you are going to run into core values match problems with sexist fervent capitalists. You cant be smart and be an avid capitalist without ignoring the structural problems with that system. It is a great litmus test actually for a new romantic interest: "What do you think of the free market system?"
If they start talking about prosperity, and rewarding risk takers and the efficiency of this economic model - you can pretty much cut your loses and walk.
What that model is good at is rewarding those already well off, degrading the ecosystem and efficiently ruining the lives of the next generation in the country and the current generations of much of the rest of the world.
Your ex-friend is smart perhaps because his family could afford good schooling. He is attractive out of luck and genetics.
But he is neither wise nor compassionate. He can lead his empty little rich life without you.
Thanks for pitching the honest seduction site.
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