Monday, March 7, 2011


Yesterday was a BAD day, horrible for reasons I am not going to get into right now. I managed to get by but nothing was going to make me laugh, that's for sure. Then, Kaya returned home from her Dad's and proved me wrong.

Kaya and I were brushing our teeth before bed. Our bathroom is next to the cat boxes. Our roommate Sheila has a dog named Ozzie who, from time to time, gets into the litter boxes (ew!). As Kaya and I were getting ready to brush our teeth, she said to me "We should label the cat boxes with Raz & Sassy's names so that way Ozzie will stay out." I laughed and asked if she thought the animals could read. She replied, "Yes, they read!!" to which I responded with more laughter. At this point, Kaya exasperatedly states, "Cats and dogs can read. Animals can read!" I see how serious she is and respond with, "You're right. Animals can read - we're animals and we can read. I must admit tho that I haven't seen cats and dogs reading books." This was it. I had pushed her over the edge. She placed her hands on her hips, rolled her eyes, and said, "Of COURSE they don't read books - they don't have opposable thumbs! They read LABELS!"


Unknown said...

Yaay Kaya!!! :D

memeticist said...

they of course read all kinds of labels, usually not written ones however

Momma said...

Kaya would beg to differ ;-)