Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wayside Cup - Team Radnecks

As many of you are already aware, I have been working REALLY hard for The Wayside Center for Popular Education. If you don't know what Wayside is about yet, check out their website here: www.waysidecenter.org. In the meantime, here's an excerpt from their "About Us" section:
"Inspired by the Highlander Center in Tennessee, we envision a vibrant center where activists, organizers and other justice-loving folks can come together for education, training, socializing, rest, renewal, healing, fun and whatever else it takes to grow and be nurtured into a movement powerful enough to create the world we want to live in."

Food Not Bombs Norfolk has entered a team to participate in the first annual Wayside Cup Event. This is a grassroots fundraiser to help Wayside fund their projects and workshops such as "....permaculture workshops, anti-racism training, organizational retreats for long-range planning, interpreting for social justice workshops, skill-shares, cultural events...grow our own food and experiment with, learn about and eventually model ways that we can live more sustainably." I am writing to you today in hopes that you may be able to donate $5 to $10 in our team's name. All donations made in "Team Radnecks" name will help put us closer to bringing home the trophy and bring Wayside closer to achieving their goals. If this is something you can support, please go here: http://www.waysidecenter.org/donate.php

Thanks everyone!!!

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