Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Topic Switch

I decided I wanted to depart from my rants of the last few days.... 

I have a Christmas Cactus that I bought last year to replace the one I killed the year before. It was my challenge to keep this one alive. It was very touch and go last January after it bloomed. There were a few points that I just didn't think it was going to make it. I replanted it in the spring and nursed it along through the summer. It finally began to flourish. Everything was going well, then we decided to move back to Virginia from Arizona. Not only did this poor plant have to go through a 6 day move, it went from the desert to constant humidity. It started to go downhill again. I nursed it back to health and not only is it alive a year later, it has bloomed! Woo hoo! :) 


Unknown said...

You go girl! I have a black thumb!! Plants don't stand a chance with me. :)

Momma said...

The secret is in the sauce - liquid organic fertilizer :)

RattleFox said...

Gratz on keeping it alive and blooming! I have a similar plant that I have nearly killed (as in all leaves fell off) 6 times. I'm keeping a tally on the pot for the death count.

Momma said...

That's brilliant - a tally mark on the side of the plant :) I have several plants I have taken to the brink of death only to resuscitate again. I should start my own tallies!