Monday, February 7, 2011

WordPress: should I?

I've noticed that most blogs I read and follow are published through WordPress, which has me wondering... am I missing something? Is it a better tool than Blogger? What advantages exist that I am unaware of? It appears to me that Blogger is very user friendly whereas I can't seem to even find the option to develop a blog template on my WordPress account. So, to my friends who use WordPress over Blogger: what is it that you like about it? Please educate me =)

1 comment:

memeticist said...

So it is definitely the case that wordpress has more street cred. Blogger is a Google product and there are reasonable fears that Google is taking over the world and handing them your content is only making them stronger.

i had a blogger account, i shifted over. i am obsessed with statistics about readership and these types of things and for this the built in stats on wordpress are nice. The articles i just read say that wordpress is more customizable than blogger.

But it is likely not worth the switch (unless you are going to start blogging much more regularly - and you have been doing it increasingly so in the last few months).

And there will likely be some point when Google does something awful and you want to switch and it will eb a good protest to move your blog over to the light side.